This is the first night all week that my Comcast high-speed internet hasn’t repeatedly sputtered and died. I’m keeping my fingers crossed. This is also the first night in a while that the radiators in my building have been on, and their clanking heartens me, because fuck “spring”�I would kill baby bunnies and wring the necks of downy little spring ducklings to have a space heater right now but the stores don’t carry them because it’s “spring,” and so I’ve been forced to go around the house wearing multiple random layers of clothes like an Olsen twin. I shiver at my desk clutching mugs of hot tea. It makes me feel delicate and sleepy.
I am sleepy now, in fact. I should go to bed.
In the meantime, look at the new and improved book site, painstakingly chiselled from rare, imported Bulgarian cybercrystal by Phineas X. Jones. Check out the new dates on the events page!