Holy shit.
I mean, HOLY SHIT. I don’t know what you’ll see on that link by the time you click on it, but at the moment it’s showing my site stats spiking up to about 30,000 page views. Yesterday afternoon the recipe cards were a topic on Metafilter and it’s been linked dozens of different places.
I had to set up a new mailbox for the liver pate suggestions. Man.
I’m thrilled, but also I had no idea there were so many people out there on bulletin boards who either don’t know or don’t care what bandwidth theft is. I sprang for some extra hosting stuff and set up a donation button on the WW cards index page, so if you really dig the cards you can toss a coin at me.
Anyway. Hi! Hi, many thousands of new people! I hope maybe a couple of you will check out the rest of the site, including some Frequently Asked Questions that are badly in need of updating but might help explain what this site is all about. Look around. Have fun. I’ll be outside if you need me.