Earlier this week I read this article, which tries to navigate the weird territory between the size-acceptance movement and the usual (and lately more audible) discourse about the “obesity crisis.” Which is also pretty much what I’ve been trying to figure out for the past two years. I have this most excellent weblog to thank for bringing this article to my attention. I need to post a journal entry soon about where I’m at with all this stuff–why I give a shit about the size-acceptance movement, and why you should, too, no matter what the hell you’re doing with your body.
And I’m really curious to see how a size-acceptance group’s plan to sue Weight Watchers will turn out. The idea seems to be to take on the diet industry in the same way recent lawsuits have indicted the tobacco industry, and it seems like a ballsy but really flawed premise. The weight-loss industry doesn’t have the kind of unified front that Big Tobacco does, and I just think there’s a world of difference between “recidivism” and “addiction.” At the same time, though, it can’t hurt to have some new statistics out there.