Don’t Trade the Baby for a Horse
And Other Ways to Make Your Life
a Little More Laura Ingalls Wilder
Amazon Kindle | B&N Nook | Google eBook | IndieBound* | iTunes
An electrical book? Such a marvel! More than a dozen half-pint-sized essays on savoring candy, singing worry songs, passing slates, and plenty of other approaches to living La Vida Laura. Read about smart muskrats, sugar barrels, pig bladder balloons, and more! Available for all major eBook platforms.
Tips & Additional Info
* To order a Google eBook through an independent bookseller, visit the Indiebound eBook page, pick a store (listed by state), then go to the eBook search link on the store’s web site. Enter Don’t Trade the Baby’s title or ISBN (9781101579732) and purchase.
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Please note: this eSpecial is not available as a hardcover, paperback, or wooden three-penny slate. To publish it this way would cost many, many more pennies.