Chills, aches and fever mean flu, right? Or malaria? I have one of those. Last night we alarmed the nice folks at the Ukranian Village bingo game by leaving right before the final big cover-all game for the grand prize. Two very concerned people stopped us to ask us if we were sure we wanted to leave, and only one of them wanted to know if she could have our cards. It was sweet! But I was getting really achy and woozy and beginning to feel like I was grimly daubing my very life force away, so we left. I was in bed by 9:30 having a feverish, uncomfortable dream which I feverishly reasoned was so uncomfortable because the only place in my head where this particular dream was playing was at this weird brokedown second-run dream theater and in my dream of having the dream I berated myself for not dreaming a 27 Dresses or Definitely Maybe kind of dream instead. Something like that.
Now I am at home napping and coughing and just now I somehow managed to get my feeble fever brain to figure out how to embed the code to play this phone interview I did with Kim on Elastic Waist’s Daily Special show. Check it out!
Anyway, it was fun. I like how they really dug the valentine from yesterday!
Um, and I might go back to bed now. Please think lucid thoughts for me this weekend, because right now I feel like the monkey is eggplantish, and that is never funkadelic.
jenn says
hey there,
Oh that sucks. I hope you are feeling better soon. At least the sun was out for you today!
Sass says
Awesome. Elastic Waist are totally your new BFFs. I’m always disappointed when the “Lindsay Lohan’s boobs” puppets aren’t on the Daily Special though.