I’m doing a much-needed upgrade of WordPress and redesigning a little this weekend. Things might get uglier before they get prettier.
(Update): they’re almost pretty now. A few things still need work and I’m still rearranging widgets.
by Wendy
I’m doing a much-needed upgrade of WordPress and redesigning a little this weekend. Things might get uglier before they get prettier.
(Update): they’re almost pretty now. A few things still need work and I’m still rearranging widgets.
Hey Girl,
I saw you too are having the special fun that is WordPress. While your updating consider adding odiogo.com. It’s a text to speech widget for wordpress that would let me have Wendy on my ipod, whenever. Okay it’s not really Wendy because it’s some crazy NPR sounding guy. But think about it. Whenever you say bad words, you make Mr. NPR say bad words. Good times.
Site looks good, girl!
looks bloody brilliant and i like the three columns!
I’m not gonna lie, I will miss the old layout, but I am liking the new one. Very chic.
I like the new layout so far. More understated, less Sinatra. Cool with me!