If you came to this site by way of this article, welcome to my self-absorbed lightweight chatty little bloggy blog. I hope I can call U “girlfriend,” though thats like way 2 long 2 type on a cell phone, duh. i type “GF” instead cuz its EZ. 🙂
Anyway, if you’d like to make yourself overly familiar with me and my site, feel free to read some of the fluffy things I say about clothes and exercise routines and whatnot, and maybe you’ll even want to read my book, which, sadly, is not a collection of essays by academic anthropologists, and for that I sincerely (but not deeply, because, like, I’m just not interested in depth) apologize.
But judge for yourself. And I’ll see you next Monday and Tuesday. I’m looking forward to it.
Love (and air-kisses),