1.) Boot camp, Day Ten: Oh my God sweet Lord Jesus H. Christ on a holy flying fiddlestick good golly Parliament Funkadelic almighty balls of flaming firey fire, I’m done.
2.) Hey look! A poster for next week’s thingy.
3.) I’m taking suggestions for other features the Book-Touring Femmebot ought to have. Those of you who have attended or given book readings are welcome to drop a line in the comments.
4.) If you didn’t catch the discussion the over at One Good Thing about whether or not this Dilbert cartoon was insulting and whether or not Scott Adams was kidding when he further explained his point by saying “It’s just a fact that women get a seratonin rush from shopping,” you can still read the really hilarious comments from the orginal post, including comments from Adams, too, as well as the follow-up post. (Though keep in mind the discussion seems pretty much over at this point, and I doubt anyone on either side needs any more comments on their behalf.)
5.) I think this has been the longest four-day week of my life. That is all.
6.) Either Blogger or my server has been acting up this week, which is why I haven’t posted as much. I’ve been too tired to worry about it much.